
The Path to Continued Success: Personal Development for Experienced Leaders confidence embracing change leadership mindset mindset tools personal growth

Let me begin by saying that experienced leaders bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to their roles, which is instrumental in guiding their teams to success. It is essential, however, to...

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Self-Doubt is the Foundation of Confidence in Leaders confidence leadership

Self-doubt is the foundation of confidence in leaders.

That may sound counterintuitive, but when you think about some of the behaviours and traits required to be an inspirational leader, self-doubt...

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How to be a boss and a friend career development confidence embracing change leadership personal growth

Stepping into a leadership role is an exciting moment in a vet or nurse’s career, but it doesn’t come without its challenges, including now managing people who used to be your peers.


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It's Not About Being More Confident, It's About Courage confidence leadership mindset mindset tools

The word ‘confidence’ comes from the Latin meaning ‘with trust’. When we are confident, not only do we gain trust from others (i.e., we appear more trustworthy), but we also...

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Confidence - a different perspective... confidence
Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere’ which means “to trust”. Having confidence therefore is having trust in yourself. It is having trust in your personal judgement,...
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The #1 Confidence Trap confidence
Do you ever find yourself falling into the trap of saying, "I will feel more confident when ______"
...when I lose 10lbs
...when I earn more money
...when I am better at XYZ
...when other people...
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