
Leaders – Stop, Look, and Listen! active listening effective communication embracing change leadership

How often do you allow yourself to stop, pause, observe, and listen to what is going on around you in the workplace? Most leaders say they do, but having surveyed 40 past and present clients, 70%...

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3 Ways to Manage the Mental Load of Leadership journalling leadership mindset mindset tools personal growth self-care time management wellbeing

Leadership comes with many responsibilities, and a huge mental load that I don’t think is talked about enough. It’s an underappreciated aspect of leadership; an unseen burden that...

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5 Powerful Self-Reflection Questions for Veterinary Leaders journalling leadership mindset tools personal growth

Self-reflection is important to help you grow and change, increase your self-awareness, and continually improve your leadership mindset and abilities. Here are 5 questions I recommend veterinary...

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“I am not a natural leader”. leadership

There is a misunderstanding about what a natural leader is, and it depends on who you ask. Typically, we think of someone who people naturally gravitate towards due to their outgoing, dynamic, and...

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3 Tips for Having Difficult Conversations effective communication leadership

One part of being a leader that almost never feels comfortable is having difficult conversations. In fact, there’s only one thing worse than having a difficult conversation, and that’s...

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Carrot and Stick leadership VS. Values Led Leadership employee retention leadership

For a long time it has been believed that rewarding hard work gets people to put in more effort, and that people will not do the work that is demanded of them if there is no threat to some form of...

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How to be a boss and a friend career development confidence embracing change leadership personal growth

Stepping into a leadership role is an exciting moment in a vet or nurse’s career, but it doesn’t come without its challenges, including now managing people who used to be your peers.


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4 Signs it is Time for Change in Your Veterinary Practice embracing change leadership the power of coaching

The one thing that is constant in business is change. Times are changing so quickly these days you can easily get left behind. Sometimes it is easy to keep your head down and not notice where you...

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Are you a victim of the “When I Then I” mindset? leadership mindset personal growth

When I ____ then I ____ is probably one of the most overused phrases in the language of leaders. 

It might seem harmless on a day to day basis: “When I finish this op, then I’ll go...

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4 Signs of Loneliness in Leaders leadership

Being a leader is rewarding and exciting, but 60% of leaders report feeling lonely. And 75% of lonely leaders don’t seek any help.

Why is that?

Admitting to loneliness can feel like it...

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